Our Services


Legal Clinics

Frontline Legal Services hosts regular legal clinics as part of the Louisiana Department of Corrections Re-Entry Program, providing services to clients while incarcerated and accepting new cases upon release.


Our staff gives presentations to groups of inmates that are within 180 days of release, with approximately 50 inmates in each “pre-release class” from parishes across the state. These presentations cover the subjects of Health Education / Risk Reduction and also explain how we assist with some of the legal challenges people living with HIV may face. These include healthcare and employment discrimination, legal barriers upon re-integration, family law, and local and state HIV advocacy.

Case Management

Our non-medical case management serves as a first point of contact for assessing the needs of the client. Funded by ViiV, case managers advocate for the clients to get them into care, housing, transportation, and other needs. By working with the Orleans Parish Justice Center (OJC), we meet with individuals that are within 180 days (6 months) of being released, and assess the needs of the client or prospective client upon being released. These needs may include SSI applications, housing, and connecting them with new case management and physicians to get or keep them in care.

Emergency Financial Assistance

Qualifying expenses include rent, mortgage and utilities such as gas, water and electricity. Mortgages, deposits (Rental or Utility) first month rent, applications fees or moving experiences are not eligible expenses. Qualified applicants are approved based on individual circumstances and availability of funds. Applicants are required to be case managed clients of Frontline or a verifiable case management agency, and applications are completed by a Frontline Case Manager. Applicants must provide proof of demonstrated need, plan for self-sufficiency, medical status, current income verification from the past 30 days, and a copy of the invoice or bill for which the request is being made.

Housing Assistance

The COVID-19 funding for housing is a 6-to-12-month program designed for clients that are on the brink of self-sufficiency. Applications are initially approved for 6 months with an opportunity for renewal for an additional 6 months and must be completed by the applicant’s assigned case manager. Applicants must be committed to and willing to provide documentation to demonstrate a need for the program. In order to qualify, applicants must have stable income, remain under the care of a medical provider and be complaint with case management. In addition, participants must be leasing rental property. Home Mortgages do not qualify for subsidy through the COVID-19 funding.

SSI Applications

Our staff assists clients with initial applications within the New Orleans EMA, and appeals in the rest of the state.

Health Education / Risk Reduction

Frontline provides education to clients about HIV transmission, information dissemination about medical and psychosocial support services, and counseling to help the client’s health status. Services are delivered by peers (people living with HIV and clients of Ryan White services ) one-on-one and/or in a small group to enhance service delivery and promote the educational component.

Tax Prep

Funded by Ryan White Part A, our tax prep program is provide for our clients who are working and receive third party insurance through the Marketplace. In order to receive the premium tax credit in the Marketplace, individuals must remain current with all their tax filings. This program is implemented to prevent Ryan White from having to take on those costs, allowing those funds to be placed in other areas where they are needed.